The Three Most Important Things You Need To Know About Manifestation Determinations Right Up Front

Hourglass with time running out showing the urgency to learn about manifestation determinations and begin preparation

#1   A manifestation determination is a serious matter.  Do not take it lightly.

One of the first things you need to know about manifestation determinations is that there is a lot at stake.

If you’re facing a manifestation determination, your child’s education is in jeopardy. It’s an indication that someone in the school administration wants to kick your child out of school.

The manifestation determination is a defense procedure for preventing children with disabilities from being kicked out of school for disability-related behaviors.  And because of all the special education rights attached to the procedure, it’s your best opportunity to keep your child in school.

Take full advantage of this opportunity to defend your child, protect their interests, and keep them in school. This needs to be a high priority.

#2  There are important things for you to do, and you don’t have much time to do them.

As a parent, you are not a spectator in this proceeding.  To the contrary, you have an active and critical role in this process.  It is up to you to put on a defense for your child.

Unfortunately, you don’t have much time to prepare for and perform this role.  The law sets timelines for this procedure, and they happen quickly.  There is a “10 day rule” that applies a little differently to different circumstances, but generally speaking you can expect that this whole matter will be completed within 10 school days, and maybe sooner.

There is a lot to learn and a lot to do to get ready for your manifestation determination meeting.  Get started right away.  Do not wait until the last minute to try to figure it all out.


#3  The key to success at a manifestation determination is proper preparation.

Each case is different, but in the general sense a manifestation determination is very winnable.  Parents win them all the time.

You and your child have lots of rights, and the law and the facts may very well be on your side.  But it is up to you to make that case.  That takes preparation.

You need to have your ducks in a row when you walk into that manifestation determination meeting.  You need to know what the rules are.  You need to know what the facts are.  You have to know what you need to prove.  You need to know what evidence you have that proves it.  You need to know what the school is supposed to do so you can recognize and correct their mistakes.

All of this takes preparation.  You can’t just walk into the room not knowing what you are going to say and go with the flow of the conversation.  Many of the things you need to talk about in that meeting probably won’t even come up in the conversation unless you bring them up.

You begin your preparation by learning everything you can about manifestation determinations  and how to win them.  As you are learning, you will start to identify things that you need to do.  When that happens, start taking action.  The more prepared you are when you walk into that room, the greater your likelihood of success.

Learn more

These are some of the most important things you need to know about manifestation determinations right from the beginning.  But there is more you’ll need to learn in order to protect your child.

For a more in depth explanation  of what a manifestation determination is all about, and your role in it, read What Is A Manifestation Determination?

You’ll also find strategies for winning your manifestation determination in How To Win A Manifestation Determination Hearing.

There’s lots more you need to know, so keep reading.  You can do this.